domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Wit beyond Measure is a Man's Greatest Treasure

Ok, definitely writing a blog is much more difficult than I thought. Anyway, I'll try to do my best. Why did I choose that quote as my first entry? First, because it's a Harry Potter quote and I love Harry Potter :P and Second, because I believe in Knowledge, Wisdom and Books LOL Really,  I love books and all what they can do for us. And I'm totally in favour of  on-line readings and all those sites that help us to share this kind of art. Anyway, I've just found this picture which represents a real thing: technologies are great and they can entertain us in many ways, but they cannot replace what our own imagination can give to us:

Hope you enjoy my first entry, and you're all invited to comment on it.

Super Cho

PS: Sorry, but it's really difficult for me to go to the point LOL I love talking :P

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