viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

The Experience of Working with Prezi

The assigment for our Second Practical Work was to prepare a class whch will include a Prezi or PowerPoint Presentation. I was working with Emiliana and we decided to use Prezi because it's a new tool for us and we wanted to experience it. At the beggining we went through hell! It was too dynamic for us. But with tons of patience and after trying and trying and trying with got the main idea and finally we were able to use it almost as if we were native digitals. However, we came across a new problem... I was preparing the Prezi presentation using Emiliana's account and I was supposed to finish it at home! Luckily, we discovered that Prezi allows you to share the presentation and allow other people to edit it. So, we shared it and now we can work collaboratively on it. It's great! Now we feel much more confortable with it and we also can work together from home. I'm glad with it :)

1 comentario:

  1. I agree up to a point! "We used it almost as digital natives??" jajaj In my new entry, I wrote that you used it as a digital native, I was the immigrant next to you =) Glad to have worked with you. Have a nice weekend!
