viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

To share files...

Hi people! I'd like to share with u a tool that I got to know thanks to Emiliana and that I consider is really helpful. It allowed me to share in the blogs some files. It's MediaFire and here you have a brief description of what it is and how to use it:

What is MediaFire?:

MediaFire is an extremely popular free file and image hosting site.

What can I use MediaFire for?:

You can use MediaFire to upload multiple files (and share them with other people), including images. In fact, you can use MediaFire to create an image gallery of all your favorite photographs.
If you're away from your home computer and you need to access a file, you can upload it to MediaFire ahead of time, and download it from wherever you might be.

How does MediaFire work? :

If you want to upload a file to MediaFire:
  • Navigate to the MediaFire home page.
  • Click on the big green "upload files to mediafire" button.
  • You'll get three options at this point. You can create a free MediaFire account, which you can use to manage your uploaded files in the future; you can keep going and just upload the file without an account; or, if you already have a MediaFire account, you can log in.
  • Browse to the file on your computer that you would like to upload.
  • You can upload multiple files at this point, if you wish
  • Click to upload; you can manage your files at this point.

What happens once my file is uploaded to MediaFire?:

You'll see a link for your uploaded file that you can copy and paste to share with other people. You can add more files to this folder if you wish.

Ok, that's more or less the general idea of MediaFire. A disadvantage that I found is that it doesn't "reproduce" (I don't know if that is the right word for it) animated GIFs. It shows them as inanimated pictures. 
In my previous post it didn't mean a setback for me because I didn't think of sharing it with the students in that way. They'd receive it as a powerpoint file in their computers. I uploaded it in Mediafire just to share it with you.

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